Most cards you see on this site are available for purchase. Simply click the Pay Now button at the bottom of the post of an available card to purchase the card. You will be linked to PayPal for payment. It will come up as "" which is the name of my internet company. Price is $5.00 unless otherwise stated and includes shipping. Your card will come with an envelope also. Email me with any questions or requests at:
Thanks for taking a look at my creations!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Making A Comeback!

Hi everyone!  I have really been missing in action lately.  I do apologize for that.  This August was a very emotional one for me.  For some reason it hit harder this year than it has in recent years.  Just the other day I received an email update on one of my aunts is declining pretty steadily.  She was always such a strong person and when she walked into a room, you knew she had arrived.  It was just the final straw.  I decided I could not allow the sad things in life to rule over me anymore.  I am determined to find my inspiration groove and get back to crafting.  I think it will be therapeutic.  So this weekend, I plan to get a start on it.  September will be my month to get myself back into the swing of things.  Now Monday is a holiday so look for my new creations to start on Tuesday.

For today, I wanted to share a few cards with you made by others.  I took time to be inspired by some cards I found on the internet.  Please enjoy these and have a wonderful weekend.  I will see you all on Tuesday!!

lamp post

Suitably Stamped: Etch a Birthday

Dreaming of a White Christmas Snowman Casrd...Stampin' & Scrappin' with Stasia.

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