Most cards you see on this site are available for purchase. Simply click the Pay Now button at the bottom of the post of an available card to purchase the card. You will be linked to PayPal for payment. It will come up as "" which is the name of my internet company. Price is $5.00 unless otherwise stated and includes shipping. Your card will come with an envelope also. Email me with any questions or requests at:
Thanks for taking a look at my creations!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Look Familiar?

Does this card seem familiar to you?  I am sure if you have been following my blog for awhile you recognize this one.  It is one of the get well cards I have made and let me tell you if fits my life the past week or so.  My youngest ended up at the doctor and is being tested for strep.  We are still waiting for the test results.  Her boyfriend had an infection that caused facial swelling but he seems to be doing better now.  A good friend of ours has a daughter fighting strep throat.  She has been running fevers as high as 106 degrees!  To top it all, my hubby is have his usual sinus problems and has been in bed all weekend.  

I bet it would not surprise you to know that I have not been crafting.  I am so hoping to be on the recovery side of all these illnesses this week so I can get back into my craft room.  I did want to share this one with you again since it is probably my favorite get well card I have made to date.  

I hope to be back with a new share for you in the next day or so.  Until then, please stay well and thanks for stopping by to visit.  See you later.

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