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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Little Holiday Spirit

Since we are at the end of July, I thought it would be appropriate to start looking at the upcoming holidays.  I have been so busy with other things that I have taken a lot of time to even think about the holidays.  Today my focus will be on Halloween.

Now when I start working on this holiday, I have an incredible urge to get out my owl builder punch and play.  I love the little owl characters I can create with this one.  Of course that is exactly what I did.  Today I will share the characters with you and later in the week you will see the card or cards I made using them.  Let's get started.

This is the entire spook gang all ready to go onto cards.  Well almost ready.  I added some glitter to a few of them and it has to dry before I manipulate them to put them onto a card.  How about we take a closer look at these cuties!!

My hubby loves the old movie of Frankenstein so I had to make one just for him.  Here we see him with the little devil.  Are they not cute?!!!!!

Again, remembering my hubby's love for all the old monster movies, I wanted to make a Dracula and a mummy.  We do watch those movies every year.  I personally am not a person who likes any horror movies but these I can handle.  

Have you ever seen the movie Hocus Pocus?  My girls and I use to watch that movie every year at Halloween.  In fact, I would venture to say that they would still watch this with me if I gave them the opportunity (and I will!!).  It is a story about 3 witches and there is a black cat in it too.  My favorite part has to be when one of the witches is riding a vacuum cleaner instead of a broom!  Too funny!  I would have to say that my witch and cat are pretty adorable to look at should look great on a card.  

Halloween would not be complete with bats and ghosts.  Again these are so easy to make using the owl builder punch.  I made these cute because while we enjoy Halloween we only like to have cute, fun things to decorate with.  There is no need to be so scary and I do not like all the blood, gore and fear that others like to put with this holiday.  Okay I will get off my soap box now.  

You will need to come back by to visit this week to see the cards I put these on.  Once the glitter glue dries, I will get to work.  Thanks for stopping by today to visit.  See you all tomorrow!!!!!

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