Most cards you see on this site are available for purchase. Simply click the Pay Now button at the bottom of the post of an available card to purchase the card. You will be linked to PayPal for payment. It will come up as "" which is the name of my internet company. Price is $5.00 unless otherwise stated and includes shipping. Your card will come with an envelope also. Email me with any questions or requests at:
Thanks for taking a look at my creations!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Quick Tip Thursday

Hi everyone.  Since yesterday was my Jackson day and my birthday, I did not get into the craft room to make anything new.  I was just having way too much fun.

I did want to share a tip with you about punch art.  Sometimes when I sit down and make a new punch art piece, I will make more than one.  I am usually tweeking it and changing minor things but I may end up with 2 or 3 or more of a single piece.  Instead of using all of them for cards, I use them for other things too.  I might add one to my punch art sample board or put one in my punch art sample book.  I can also use these on a scrapbook page as an embellishment.  If you like to make tags or gift bags/boxes, you might even use one on these to liven them up a bit.  Whatever you do, don't throw them away.  There is always a use for them and maybe it is just as a card item but that's a good enough reason to keep them.

Hope this tip helps you.  Come back tomorrow to see my newest card.  It is great.  See you all then!!!

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