Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lots of Sorrow

It has certainly been a somber week here in Arizona.  We have watched as a wildfire has destroyed a community and taken the lives of 19 brave wildland fire fighters.  I think it is easy to forget the dangerous job that these men do.  Like all fire fighters, they are willing to enter places most of us would not venture and are willing to lay down their lives for others.  It saddens me that it takes such a tragedy to remind us how important these brave souls are and that we should say thank you to them for the sacrifice they are willing to make.  

As a fire fighter's wife, my heart breaks for the families of these 19 men.  While they may not have been members of my husbands department, all fire departments treat each other as one family.  They are truly a close knit group and the loss of any is devastating to all of them.  This has been overwhelming.  There are no words to describe the grief and sorrow.  This event hit close to home for us as one of the 19 was a good friend of our oldest daughter.  His death has been extremely hard on her.  We are there for her as well as all members of our fire family.  

I do hope you understand that the priorities for this week have shifted and while I am trying to get some crafting done, my family must come first.  One good thing is I was asked to make wedding invitations for my oldest daughter's friend.  It has given me something to focus on other than the grief.  

I will keep you posted on how we are doing and will hopefully be posting some new cards before long.  I have to say I have walked through some dark times in my life filled with grief, sorrow and pain but this is one of the worst.  I ask that you keep Arizona and these families in your prayers.  Thanks for all your support. 

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