Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More Elves

Can you believe we are one week away from Christmas?  Where did the time go?  I spent last weekend doing my grocery shopping in order to bake, picking up a few last minute gifts and wrapping presents.  It seemed as if the weekend flew by.  I also enjoyed the rain we had.  It was so nice to have a rainy day on Saturday.  We have not had one in a long time.  However there was a dark cloud that loomed over everything I did as my heart ached for the families of all the victims in Connecticut.

Yesterday, Monday December 17th I chose not to blog in order to participate in a National Day of Remembrance by bloggers.  This was a day to honor the lives that were lost in the terrible tragedy last Friday in Connecticut.  I have to admit I was completely stunned and shaken by this.  I taught elementary school for 9 years and loved every moment of it.  It broke my heart to hear the number of young lives that were lost at the hands of a very sick individual.  I know I prayed and made sure to tell my kids how much they are loved.  I think everyone across the nation has been affected by this tragedy.  My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with the families of all the victims throughout the holidays and beyond. 

From now until the holiday is over, I have a funny feeling it is going to be a busy time.  This is also a special week as my husband an his charity will be having Santa deliver gifts to children in the hospital.  I had to wash the "sleigh" to transport Santa around town yesterday.  Let's just say I am not a person who likes washing a "sleigh".  I usually leave that to my hubby or go to the "sleigh" wash.  Well between that and doing laundry and helping make a salad for a potluck, I was limited in my crafting time.  I did get a start on a card.  I thought I would share the punch art pieces I made with you today and will show you the finished card tomorrow.  Ready to see what I made?  Here we go!!

As you can see I made a couple of cute elves.  But these are special elves that were inspired by a Christmas special put out by Disney.  Do you have any idea who these elves were patterned after?  Well let me help you.  The special was called Prep and Landing and these two represent the 2 main characters: Wayne and Lanny.  Now they do not look exactly like the characters but they were inspired by them not made to be exactly like them.  I have a few final touches to add to them and then they will be ready to go on a card.  

To see the finished card they will be on, you will have to come back tomorrow.  I will go through how to make them as well as the instructions for the card at that time.  

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope you are ready for the holidays since they seem to be coming quickly.  Take time to enjoy the things you are doing and spend time with the ones you love.  Time goes by so fast and all we have is right now so make the most of every moment. 

Please stop back by tomorrow.  I will see you all then!!!!

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