Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Edible Houses!!!!!

Hi everybody and happy Tuesday.  I do so hope your December is off to a better start than mine.  On Sunday evening, I had my girls over to make gingerbread houses.  I asked their beaus to come to as well as my oldest daughter's best friend who is like a daughter to me.  I was so looking forward to the night but alas it was not to be all rosy.

The first thing that went wrong was we had a very good friend whose wife and 6 month old baby were in a car accident.  Mom is doing fine but baby has a head injury and is in ICU.  We are praying for the best and trying to help them as much as possible.  Next, my youngest daughter called to say her boyfriend could not come.  It was his mom's birthday and he was to celebrate with her.  Well that didn't happen.  Unfortunately, she was not feeling well and ended up in the hospital.  Last I heard they are still not sure exactly what is wrong.  My daughter did make it home in time to do houses with us but of course her mind was elsewhere.   Last, my husband just did not seem right.  He finally said he did not feel well and went to lay down.  Well that turned into either a bought with food poisoning or a stomach virus.  He was sick most of the night.  Needless to say I got no sleep which made my cold get worse instead of getting better. 

With all of this going on, you would think our houses were total disasters.  However, I am happy to report they turned out well.  Since I have been busy being a mom, nurse, and trying to sleep, I thought I would share photos of the houses with you today.  Any card I worked on Monday during the day just did not look good so this will be much better.

This is my oldest daughter Heather and her boyfriend Matt's creation.  They added a cut little foam fence to their house and had these really cute blue snowflakes to go on it too.

This is the roof of her house.  I wanted to show it to you because they chose an interesting way to do theirs.  They used pretzels for it and added the snow (frosting and coconut) and snowflakes to it too.  


This house is the model made by my youngest, Kaitlyn.  Her boyfriend Robert was at the hospital with his mom so she worked on her house solo.  I love the fact she colored her door green.  I did not even think of doing this.  

I also wanted to share her roof with you.  She used a generic cereal kind of like Crispix to tile her roof.  The dots added in between bring out the design.  Finally, she edged the roof with mini marshmallows.   Funny thing was I started with the bag of these next to me and gave them to her to use.  Once they were out of my sight, they were out of my mind.  I did not use them at all.


The builders of this home are my sister Mary and Heather's best friend, Marissa.  I really like the pretzel fence they created.  Oh and I am sure you have noticed all the trees to the side of the houses.  These were also make by each team.  I love what they did with their star.  

Last but not least is the house I made with my husband Dave.  He worked on the tree and finished it before going to lay down.  I worked on the house pretty much on my own.  That's why mine is a little plain.

I did not share photos of my roof of team Mary/Marissa roof.  Compared to Kaitlyn's and team Heather/Matt, ours were fairly simple.

I have never tried to be the champion builder because there is just too much creativity flowing when we make these houses.  But I can tell you the competition is great between the teams.  

Hopefully, my husband will be feeling better by the time you read this and I will have gotten a little sleep.  I am planning on having a card to share with you tomorrow so please come by to see it.  Thanks for dropping by today and whatever you do, stay healthy!!!

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